============================Rom supplied by Ivan Sirič
Ripped by Tomaž Kac
Help with Info Ian Coog, Krill
This is a straight dump of an ex-Yugoslav Kernal replacement HACK called
Tornado DOS. It is basically the same as EXOS 3 Kernal Replacement that was
published by 64'er magazine. It has a nice and very fast Turbo Loader and a
few new Commands to handle the disk drive and some other tasks. Most of
these are accesable using the Function keys combos.
The really good thing is the fast Turbo Loader which seems to work with
most games out there. What is special about it is that it does not need the
1541 modified in any way. Also the Loading address is displayed when you
Load a file from the disk. The only drawback is that it blanks the screen
(switches off the VIC) when loading. But if you don't want to modify the 1541
(or 1541-II / 1571) then this is the best solution.
The Kernal runs fine under VICE emulator, but seems to have problems with
the CCS64 emulator.
What was found out so far :
Function keys:
F3 = RUN:
F5 = LOAD"
F7 = LOAD"$",8 <- Output to Screen !
SHIFT + F1 = SYS 32768
F3 = SYS 4096*12
F5 = SAVE"
F7 = CLOSE7:OPEN7,8,15,"
CTRL + F1 = SWAP Screen with Location 1 ($A000)
F3 = SWAP Screen with Location 2 ($A400)
F5 = SWAP Screen with Location 3 ($A800)
F7 = SWAP Screen with Location 4 ($AC00)
C= + F1 = COPY Screen to Location 3
F3 = COPY Screen to Location 4
F5 = PASTE Screen from Location 3
F7 = PASTE Screen from Location 4
Screen = $0400
Additional Commands:
Disable the Fast Loader and normalize the Load Vector (LOAD"$",8 will load
the directory to Basic listing again).
LISTs the current Basic program from the Start.
Continue LIST-ing the Basic from where it was stopped. It will work everytime
when the listing wasn't displayed till its end.
Displays the last Disk Error.
Performs OLD - brings back Basic program after NEW or reset.
Enables the ability to SAVE files up to 202 blocks big file by paging out
BASIC before save and then paging it in back again after. With this you are
able to save the area from $0800 to $cfff to disk.
Brings up a Memory Bank switching menu where you can SWAP 4 different areas
of the memory. The memory at $A000 - $AFFF is not changed when this is done !
Key 0 swaps $B000-$FFFF with $0800-$57ff
Key 1 swaps $B000-$BFFF with $0800-$17ff
Key 2 swaps $C000-$CFFF with $0800-$17ff
Key 3 swaps $D000-$FFFF with $0800-$37FF
Brings up the same menu, but instead of Swaping it will COPY Data FROM the
selected location TO $0800.
Brings again the same menu, but it will COPY data FROM the $0800 TO the
selected location.
Increase the Head Stepping Speed of the Disk Drive. Basically what it does
is write $01 to $1c07 in the 1541 memory. It opens a channel on current drive,
sends the string in memory at $F8E3 (backward) and closes channel.
It's the equivalent of :
Note: No big speed increase was actually noticed.
Thanx to Ian Coog for investigating the Tornado ROM and searching for the
additional commands, etc. thus making this tutorial possible ! Also thanx to
Krill for the CTRL+F explanation :)
Exos V3.0
Ovaj program spada u grupu programa koji se nazivaju FAST LOADER-i(ubrzavači)
koji imaju za cilj da ubrzaju uči ta van je fajlova sa diska. EXOS V3.0 jedan
je od najboljih.
Osim što povećava brzinu učitavanja programa sa diska 14 puta, EXOS pruža niz
pogodnosti i zanimljivih mogućnosti.
Osnovne komande zadaju se funkcijskim tasterima:
• F1 - list
• F3 - run
• F5 - load"
• F7 - directorv
• F2 - sys 32768
• F4 - sys 4096*12 (=49152)
• F6 - save"
• F8 - close7:open7,8,15,"
Iz samog opisa jasno je šta koja naredba radi. Izdvojićemo samo F7(directory)
pregled sadržaja diskete bez gubitka BASIC programa koji je u računaru.
Neke komande dobijaju se u kombinaciji sa tasterom CONTROL:
• CTRL + K - pomoću ove komande dobijamo status diska, što je korisno u
slučaju da dođe do neke greške;
• CTRL + O - ovo je takozvana OLD komanda koja nam omogućava da vratimo bejzik
program ukoliko smo ga slučajno ili namerno izbrisali sa NEW;
• CTRL + A - omogućava da brzinu učitavanja vratimo na normalu;
• CTRL + X - u slučaju da ste listanje programa prekinuli sa RUN/STOP, ovom
komandom možete nastaviti listanje od mesta gde je prekinuto;
• CTRL + Z - ako ste prilikom listanja programa promašili mesto na kom ste
želeli da izvršite neke korekcije, ovom komandom možete se
vratiti 50 linija unazad i zaustaviti listanje na pravom mestu;
• CTRL + W - smeštanje programa u RAM-disk. Pomoću ove zanimljive komande
možete privremeno smestiti svoj program u deo memorije koji je
nepristupačan pri programiranju iz bejzika. Tako smešten
program možete u svakom trenutku pozvati sa CTRL + L.
Listanje programa privremeno se zaustavlja dok držimo CBM taster (taster
sa Commodoreovim znakom).
Sve je to lepo, ali...
Ovaj program je, kao što vidite, mnogo više od običnog ubrzavača. Međutim, i
on ima svojih nedostataka.
Kao prvo, mogu se učitavati samo programi do 150 blokova. Posle startovanja
igara ili nekih uslužnih programa EXOS se nepovratno gubi i mora se učitati
ponovo za sledeću upotrebu.
Oni koji poseduju Tornado-DOS sigurno su primetili da EXOS ima potpuno iste
komande. Stoga, vi koji nemate sredstva za nabavku Tornada, nabavite bar