JSGalMin - 11.03.2022 |
Sve o Galaksiji na jednom mestu:
a href="http://galaksija.epizy.com" galaksija.epizy.com /a
Emulatori, programi, listinzi, šeme... |
JSGalMin - 04.03.2022 |
Nov onlajn emulator Galaksije i Galaksije Plus na "http://galaksija.net" od Dragoljuba B. Obradoviæa, autora èuvene igre "Tetris". Mnoštvo novih programa za Galaksiju možete naæi u forumu na "galaksija.org" sajtu. |
Fifan - 24.02.2019 |
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I m glad to tell you all that the new clone of Galaksija is ready. This computer allows you to work in normal Galaksija mode and Galaksija Plus. The author of the clone also wrote an operating system that allows you to download programs from the SD card.
For more information, see this web page - http://www.spetsialist-mx.ru/Galaksija/index6.html. |
Kristijan - 28.11.2008 |
odlicna kolekcija - SUPER! |
renata - 04.01.2008 |
igrica je ljepa tertis |
Arkadne Igre / Arcade Games
Ostale Igre / Miscellaneous Games
Ostalo / Miscellaneous
Galaksija Plus
Najbolj Iskano / Most Wanted